Coaching and Facilitation
Strengths Virtual Discovery
Be your best so you can succeed today.
It’s time to champion you. Discovering your strengths helps you understand your best self. You can make the most impact by using your strengths to help you focus your day-to-day attention on things that you know you can perform, gain traction, and influence the world around you.
Are you keen to discover your strengths? But don’t have the professional development budget to invest in professional one-on-one coaching for yourself? This group workshop setting is ideal for you and incredible value for what you’ll get. You’ll receive personalised tools and techniques for navigating your own strengths profile, a virtual workshop along with other like-minded individuals, and follow up resources to help you continue on your development journey. It’ll be a ‘lighter touch’ than one-on-one coaching with me, but participants will go away with lots of useful ‘homework’ they can pursue themselves to explore their strengths.
Don’t miss out. Spaces are limited! Target audience are solo professionals, contractors, managers and leaders in your field.
Tell your friends and workmates!
“Alone is hard. Together is better” (Simon Sinek)
The science behind strengths
It’s more than just a personality test, CliftonStrengths unearths detailed understanding of your unique talents, specific insights into your natural power and edge, and how to collectively become a powerhouse of strength. Read more behind the science of CliftonStrengths.
What your strengths mean
Deep dive into your CliftonStrengths profile, what your talent themes mean, and learn how to apply these talents help you be successful in life and work. Read more about “What is CliftonStrengths and how do I use it?“
Personalised profiles
Receive your very own personalised Strengths Power Pack, with useful one-pager visuals of your strengths profile. Form an action plan that helps you succeed in any field or environment.
Acquire resources and tools
Access to the resource facility for all participants, with useful worksheets and tools for you to continue investing in your strengths (be it by yourself or with your team!).