By now, we’re all aware that the future of work is hybrid (i.e. a mix of in-person and remote working). The last few years of pandemic life have not only opened our eyes to the possibilities but also the potential and pitfalls.
How do we make working hybrid work well?
Here are some core principles of ‘hybrid working’:
- Flexibility: how do you ensure that employees are adaptable to any work style, role or environment?
- Supportive: what systems have you implemented that focus on individual and group wellbeing?
- Inclusive: how do you ensure equal experiences for everyone (especially when some are ‘in the room’ and others are remote)?
- Safety: how can you be ‘secure by design, private by default? Especially when dealing with sensitive documentation or issues.
- Belonging: how do you maintain a culture of ‘belonging’ when your team is remote?
- Managed: how do you manage the modern ICT infrastructure that you’ve got and how to best use it to collaborate and connect with others (without being overly information saturated)?
- Purpose (the key one): and why on earth are we all here anyway?!! How do you design team rhythms, meetings and specific gatherings that encourage purpose and outcomes of how you best connect together?
Our intention creates our reality.
Our intention creates our reality. What intentions are you setting to ensure you bring out the best in your people? How are you communicating these to others that you work with? What expectations are you setting, both for yourself and others?
I’ve got some top tips:
- Use engaging and interactive presentation styles like Mentimeter, which help bring folks together, despite their location (everyone has an equal ‘playing field’…as long as they can use a smartphone!)
- There’s heaps of useful online collaboration tools out there, like Miro, Trello, Google’s Jamboard or Loom to name some of my favourite few. There are plenty of innovative and effective ways to collaborate with others.
- Use virtual breakout rooms for purposeful sessions – giving a time limit helps people stay focused, and come back with insights and recommendations they want to share with the wider group.
- Stick to your purpose and what outcomes you want to achieve when you gather people together. If you don’t know these, you need to figure that out first! I wrote a blog on tips for team gatherings.
Want to find out more? I offer coaching packages, team workshops and more! antoniamilkop.com/programmes There’s also heaps of ‘flexperts’ out there, someone I particularly recommend is Gillian Brookes who offers hybrid help packages.