
What makes a great team?

“A strengths-based teams is an interdependent group of imperfect but talented contributors valued for
their strengths, and who need one another to realise individual and team excellence.” – Gallup

How do you bring out the best in your team? Both as individuals and as a collective group?  

There’s a bit of a science to this, and it all begins with discovering your team’s CliftonStrengths.  Once every individual in a team is aware of their own strengths, when you combine the team strengths together you can make some magic happen!

I’ve had heaps of fun facilitating team workshops recently where we’ve explored the team’s ‘strengths DNA’ and had lots of discussions around how to best use the strengths of people in the team to bring out the best as a group collectively. 


Every workshop I facilitate I tailor to the individual group’s needs. (if you don’t know what CliftonStrengths is all about, read this blog!)

Let me give some examples…

  • A team that has Relator as one its dominant talent themes, they may prefer lots of paired-up discussions together. 
  • For groups with high Analytical, I’ll want to ensure I create some space, so they have time to get the logic or methodology of what we’re doing and why. And they’ll probably be inspired (and reassured) by facts, data and evidence behind the methodology. 
  • For teams with high Achiever or Activator strengths, I’ll want to ensure we hit the ground running with some actionable items rather than lots of content at the beginning of a day. 
  • With teams that have dominant Responsibility, I’ll make sure they agree upfront on what they want to take ownership for the day (or even set some pre-work before we meet so they can take ownership of their away day).  

Are you curious to find out more about what a team’s ‘strengths DNA’ actually looks like?  Check out this video below talking through a CliftonStrengths team summary.

My mission is to ignite people’s potential so they can make more of a positive impact in their life and work.